At a time like this, I think it is important to remember to smile. For your entertaining pleasure, I have put together 10 gifs from one of my favorite tv shows Barry. Although I did not make the gifs (I found them here), I did come up with the witty captions seen above the gifs. I hope you laugh and enjoy these gifs and giggles. Did you catch that pun? Let’s begin.

1. Me after I watch a terrible film.

2. How I feel after not leaving my house for 15 days.

3. When people say, “You could use this time to do something you have always wanted to do.”

4. On the first day of quarantine:

vs. on Day 14

5. Spending all day every day with the same people.

6. Me when I wake up and remember I cannot leave my house.

7. Me every 10 minutes.

8. My worst nightmare.

9. When you run out of toilet paper.

10. Me when someone asks how I am doing.

And finally, the funniest scene in ALL OF TELEVISION that will make absolutely no sense unless you have watched the show. (Watch it on HBO or Hulu)

Thank you for being here. I hope you stay healthy and safe.


P.S. Let me know if you liked this post. It is not something I usually do, but if you like them I will do them more often. They are fun and everyone needs a little reminder to laugh sometimes.

4 responses to “10 Gifs and Giggles ft. Barry”

  1. Katherine Avatar

    I love this post!! This made me life and relate a lot to it hahaha!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. alohaarianna Avatar

      Thanks for reading! I am glad it made you laugh a little 🙂


  2. Amanda Avatar

    So funny! 😂😂😂 I needed a laugh like that! Thank you!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. alohaarianna Avatar

      Haha thank you!


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